Mr Nathan Kauschke has felt energised and motivated to get fit and healthy since giving up the smokes 952 hours ago, that is 5 weeks ago. Family members have commented on Nathan’s improved breathing and he’s feeling relieved. As an asthmatic, quitting smoking has had a huge impact on his health. “Stop making excuses – smoking is just makes things worse” Nathan said as he spoke about his journey to quit.

In the past the excuses to smoke where endless for Nathan. Certain times triggered him to smoke, when he got up in the morning or after dinner, when feeling stressed or on holidays.  Previously Nathan found it very difficult to quit as smokos were an excuse to socialise. Whilst completing his degree at university he knew that in-between lectures, if he went to the smoking areas all “the black fellas” would be there. However encouragement from his girlfriend to stop smoking compelled Nathan to never quit quitting.

While he was a smoker the cost of cigarettes didn’t really phase him. However now that he’s quit he’s realised that in as little as 5 weeks he’s saved over $600, extra money to dedicate to his passion for sports and recreation.  The free mobile app “Smoke Free” has helped Nathan to keep track of how much money he’s saved on cigarettes and how many cigarettes he’s not smoked. It also provides motivation by calculating the days and hours smoke free, monitors improvements in his health, contains a cravings diary and provides freqnathanuent hints and tips. The app has been a great incentive and key to Nathan’s success.

Further the Nunkuwarrin Yunti Tackling Tobacco Team has provided Nathan with one-on-one support and education around the use of nicotine replacement therapy. Nicobate oral strips initially helped Nathan to manage the cravings, however now he doesn’t need them.

Nathans excited to see many members of his family give up the smokes and his friends from University are quitting too. When he first quit he felt envious of those smoking around him and in the past this feeling led to relapses. The biggest challenge for Nathan has been changing his attitude toward smoking. Now when he sees others smoking he feels sorry for them and is glad it’s not him. “I tell my friends don’t offer me cigarettes, I don’t want the temptation” said Nathan. Asking those around him to support his decision to be smoke free has helped Nathan to succeed.

“At the end of the day we need to think about our lives! Look at us black fellas, we die so much younger and yet so many Aboriginal people smoke. We need to think about our children, our future, and give them good environments to live in. Think about the consequences of smoking” said Nathan.

The Nunkuwarrin Yunti Tackling Tobacco Team aim to encourage Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people living in the metropolitan Adelaide region to quit smoking. Need help to quit? Contact or phone 8406 1600